Budapest Gallery
1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 158.
12 April – 5 May 2019
Exhibiting artists:
Dölgön Baigal, Petra Combarro, Csenge Csukás, Zsuzsanna Fekete, Krisztina Gyuk, Fruzsina Karl, Barbara Kocsis, Dániel Krausz, Sándor Körei, Lili Majoros, Gergő Nagy, Felix Reutzel, Valéria Sass, Ábel Mihály Sipos, Lilla Sipos, Ádám Szabó, Hajnalka Szabó, Dominika Tóth
(Sculptor students of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts and their professors)
Organizers of the exhibition
Valéria Sass and Ádám Szabó
11 April, 2019, 17:30
Opening speech:
Tiffany Farkas
When we hear the phrase „three in one“, we immediately think that it refers to our accelerated lifestyle or it can be the symbol of our globalized world view, which doesn’t pay attention to the details. We can think of the instant coffee, which could never find our taste, because usually people prefer things if they can add the ingredients and create the mixture on their own. We can also think about such triads on whose pleasures we only have more indirect effect. This could be the harmony of mind, body and soul, as the balance of this three is the token for our wellbeing; the three dimensions of space, which interests the domains of sculpture, philosophy for centuries; or the building House of One, currently constructed in Berlin, which would be the home for the three monotheist world religions.
The exhibition Three in one answers to the questions of what, how and in what proportion, with the means of contemporary art. In the works which are exhibited, the idea behind the notion of three in one as well as the proportions of the ingredients is designed by the artist.
Valéria Sass – Ádám Szabó