Plant Kingdom, 2022 | Nona Inescu: Hydrophytes, 2021 és Afloat (Victoria Amazonica 1-2.), 2021 | Photo: Tamás Juhász G.
Plant Kingdom, 2022 | Nona Inescu: Hydrophytes, 2021 és Afloat (Victoria Amazonica 1-2.), 2021 | Photo: Tamás Juhász G.
Orsolya Orchi Drozdik | Sensuality and Matter
Private Storage – Works/Rescues – the Gyárfás Collection
Anna Barnaföldi, Loránd Szécsényi-Nagy | inside express 4. | My Favourite Experiments
Turn This Way | An exhibition of works by Agnes Von Uray
BELL JAR | A thematic debut exhibition of the Hermina Artist Collective
BELL JAR | A thematic debut exhibition of the Hermina Artist Collective
Forsaken Utopias | Andrea Kalinová, Moni K. Huber, CSaba Nemes
Gaze of Thought | An exhibition of works by Miklos Gaál and Tibor iSKI Kocsis
Nóra Bozsó | “Eight may be a three from both directions.”
BLOCK GROUP | KÜNSTLERHAUS WIEN | Appearances are deceiving
PARAMNESIA | The Oppressiveness of the Irrepeatability of Perfection | An Exhibition of the 6D Group
STUDIO ’58-89 / A retrospective exhibition of the Studio of Young Artists
ZSolt Czakó | From White Through Black to White
Gergely A. Lelkes | Mystic Spring
inside express III. | Andi Schmied and Maria Pratts
Péter Paizs | Colour-Space-Time / Exhibitions 1984–2014
Tamás Komorócky | Logos, Tekhnos, Textos, Videos, Audios, Lajos
Csilla Nagy | From the House, from the Garden...
Imagined communities, personal imaginations
inside express II | Orsolya Barna and Bence György Pálinkás
Éva Krajcsovics | The Explored and the Unexplored
Gábor Lajta | The Lion’s Tongue
Károly Chochol | Processing Memories
MemoryLab – Photography Challenges History
RetrDORacings – Uses of Archival Material in Contemporary Photography
The Formula of the Present | Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants
Leopold Bloom Art Award | 2017
Budburst | The early period of the Substitute Thirsters (1984–1987)
12. madeinhungary + 5. MeeD | DESIGN WITHOUT BORDERS
Passage to the Future | Art from a New Generation in Japan