“Everything is made up from beauty”

Solo exhibition of Anikó Loránt

Budapest Gallery

1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 158.

22 November 2024 – February 2, 2025


Lívia Páldi


Tamás Kaszás , Krisztián Kristóf , Lívia Páldi

Exhibition design:

Krisztián Kristóf

Curatorial assistant: :

Kata Martincsák


Teri Szűcs


Lívia Páldi, Anna Lujza Szász

English translation:

Katalin Orbán

Proofreading (Hungarian):

Dóra Szekeres

Art educator:

Ágnes Szabics


Péter Gyenei, Imre Szakszon, Zsigmond Peternák


Zsuzsa Gámán

The exhibition is a collaboration between BHM Budapest Gallery and BHM Kiscelli Museum – Municipal Gallery.


November 21, 6pm

Guided tour by Lívia Páldi and Tamás Kaszás at 4.30 pm

The oeuvre of Anikó Lóránt (1977-2020) is mostly preserved in more than forty sketchbooks and notebooks of varying sizes. They are usually closely related, diverse elaborations of themes and symbols, diary-like entries, short notes on readings and various series of drawings prepared for installations. Anikó worked on multiple projects at once focusing on sustainability, subsistence skills, the history of farming, foraging, slow living, and the inseparable bond between the human and non-human realms. Interlinked within a rich web of connections the drawings merge various media and sometimes include haiku-like poems, intertwine narrative threads, stories, references to her readings, everyday experiments, observations and discoveries.

Together with artists and core members of the Randomroutines group, Tamás Kaszás, Anikó Loránt’s partner in life and art, and Krisztián Kristóf , we have set out to survey and present Anikó’s practice and focus on her less-known individual path and thinking and propose a reading from a broader art-historical perspective.

Anikó Loránt graduated from the Intermedia Department of the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in 2003. The basic framework of her creative work is the experience of motherhood, the rethinking of the human way of life, her investigations into issues of extended care and sustainability. She has expanded her program of non-growth, also at the individual level, to develop a possible small community toolkit for ecological crisis and related existence outside post-industrial society.


Lenders to the exhibitions:

Foundation for Basic Democracy and Basic Income, Tamás St. Turba / Balázs-Dénes Collection / BHM Kiscell Museum – Municipal Gallery, Budapest / c3 Foundation / Studio of Young
Artists’ Association, Budapest/ Diána Donka / Irokéz Collection, Szombathely / Annamária Kardos-Nagy / Tamás Kaszás and Anikó Loránt’s children /
Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros / King St. Stephen Museum, Graphic Collection, Székesfehérvár

Special thanks:

Árpád Balázs, Edina Csóka, Andrea Dénes, Kamilla Dózsa, Nikolett Erőss, Csaba Farkas, Csaba Gál, Dóra Hegyi, Zsolt Honfi, Kunsthalle, Budapest, Gábor Koleszár, Lilla Lécfalvy, Endre Lehel Paksi, Kati Pásti, Miklós Peternák, Antal Farkas Retkes-Kis, Tamás St. Turba, Anna Lujza Szász, Beatrix Szörényi, Judit Vágány, Margit Valkó, János Vígh and the participants of the sewing workshop GABBA GABBA HEY: Dóra Hegyi, Júlia Hermann, Lehel Kaszás, Tamás Kaszás, Dalma Eszter Kollár, Júlia Kővári, Krisztián Kristóf, Eszter Lázár, Alexa Major, Kata Martincsák, Sára Vilma Nagy, Lívia Páldi, Kati Pásti, Juli Rathmann, Nate Schastnev, Imre Szakszon, Ágnes Szabics, Anna Lujza Szász, Renáta Szikra, Teri Szűcs

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